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Turkey Feather Addition Fun

In advance spray paint a large cottage cheese lid with brown spray paint
that adheres to plastic.  After it is dry, use an exacto knife to "drill" a hole
 in the center of the lid.  Put a brad fastener into the hole.  Print the feathers on various colored construction paper.  Cut them out and hole punch
them at the hole.  Feed the feathers onto the fastener then bend them the fastener pieces over.  Print the head piece onto brown construction paper. 
Cut out the head.  Cut a nose and beak from paper scraps.  Glue in place
along with wiggly eyes.  Glue the whole head piece over the fastener. 


Print the cards, cut them out and laminate.
To use the turkey have the children pick a card.  Have them put the corresponding number and color of feathers up on the turkey.  Have them pick another card.  Have them put the corresponding number and color of feathers up on the turkey along with the other feathers.  Now, have them add the numbers together.
The feathers that aren't being used, can just be held like a handle as shown.
If you would like, you can print a page for the children to report their work on.
They could work with partners and have the partner color the feathers on worksheet so they correspond with turkey.  Then have them fill the numbers in the blanks.

Worksheet Page
red cards
blue cards
yellow cards
green cards
purple cards
brown cards
orange cards

This turkey can also be used at circle time with your little ones.


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