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Turkey Wore a Red Feather Felt Board

Cut the turkey from brown felt.  Cut out and glue on eyes, a waddle and a beak. 
 Cut out feathers of 8-10 different colors.  Put the turkey on your felt board. 
Add a feather and sing the verse.  Continue adding feathers until all are on. 
Complete the activity by singing the final verse.  You can take time to introduce new colors like tan, gray or turquoise.  You can also hand out the feathers to the children.  Then as you sing the verse,
the child who has that feather must come forward and put their feather on. 
This is a great activity for little ones who need to help build their confidence
and ability to get up in front of others.

Tune:  Mary Wore a Red Dress
Turkey wore a red feather, red feather, red feather,
Turkey wore a red feather all day long.
..last verse
Turkey wore rainbow feathers, rainbow feathers, rainbow feathers. 
Turkey wore rainbow feathers all night long.

Link to "May Wore a Red Dress" Tune

Instructions and Feather Pattern
Turkey Pattern




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