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Turkey Activity Featuring Graphing and More or Less Concepts

Print a turkey for each child on brown construction paper.  Print the feathers on yellow, red, green, orange, purple and brown construction paper. 
 Print enough cards so that each child will get five cards.  Cut
everything out and laminate it.  To play:  Give each a turkey.  Put the feathers in the middle of the table and pass out five cards to each child face
down.  Have the child flip over a card, identify the number and then choose the appropriate number of feathers for their turkey.  Have them put them on the turkey.  Have the children continue until the have flipped over
all their cards.  Now give them a graph worksheet or a count worksheet and have them complete the paper.  Take time to stress the  more and less concept.  Which color of feathers do they have the most of..
Which color of feathers do they have the least of?

Count Worksheet
Graph Worksheet



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