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Turkey Magnet from Milk Jug Lid

Take a milk jug lid and an exacto knife.  Use it to "drill" five holes in the milk
jug lid as shown.  Making sure the holes are around one half of the lid.  Spray
paint the milk jug lids brown using spray paint
designed to adhere to plastic.  After it is dry, cut a pipe cleaners into four pieces.  Fold them in half.  Stick the point into the hole.  Put glue into the center of the lid.  Put a very large pompom into the center.  Glue a smaller
pompom on for the head as shown.  Glue wiggly eyes on the head.  Cut a scrap of yellow felt and glue it on for a beak.  Put a magnet on the back side milk jug lid.  Hang it on the refrigerator.


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