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Ballot for Election 2012

learning printables for kids

Print your ballots and the voting registry.  Have the children sign their name
on the registry.  Then give them a ballot and have them vote. 
You can make it really fun by going all out.  Make a private spot to vote by
taking an appliance box and spray painting it.  Cut off the top and one side panel.

Cut a holes on each side of the box so a dowel can run through it.  Then take
a piece of fabric, sew a pocket for the dowel to run through and put the curtain in place as shown.

Now decorate a shoe box cutting a hole in the top so the children Have somewhere to place their ballots.  After voting is complete, help the children
tally the votes.  You can print the chart topper to make a place to tally the votes.  It is important to explain to the children that even though a candidate may win in your classroom, that candidate may not win
the national election.

Chart Instructions
Chart Pattern


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